The first page of the Beowulf manuscript, 8th to 10th century.
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This is a list of epic poems.
Ancient epics (to 500)
Before the 8th century BC
- Epic of Gilgamesh (Mesopotamian religion)
- Epic of Lugalbanda (including Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave and Lugalbanda and the Anzud Bird, Mesopotamian religion)
- Epic of Enmerkar (including Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta and Enmerkar and En-suhgir-ana, Mesopotamian religion)
- Atrahasis (Mesopotamian religion)
- Enuma Elish (Babylonian religion)
- The Descent of Inanna into the Underworld (Mesopotamian religion)
- Legend of Keret (Ugaritic religion)
8th to 6th century BC
- Iliad, ascribed to Homer (Greek mythology)
- Odyssey, ascribed to Homer (Greek mythology)
- Works and Days, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology)
- Theogony, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology)
- Shield of Heracles, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology)
- Catalogue of Women, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology; only fragments survive)
- Cypria, Aethiopis, Little Iliad, Iliupersis, Nostoi and Telegony, forming the so-called Epic Cycle (only fragments survive)
- Oedipodea, Thebaid, Epigoni and Alcmeonis, forming the so-called Theban Cycle (only fragments survive)
- A series of poems ascribed to Hesiod during antiquity (of which only fragments survive): Aegimius (alternatively ascribed to Cercops of Miletus), Astronomia, Descent of Perithous, Idaean Dactyls (almost completely lost), Megala Erga, Megalai Ehoiai, Melampodia and Wedding of Ceyx
- Capture of Oechalia, ascribed to Homer or Creophylus of Samos during antiquity (only a fragment survives)
- Phocais, ascribed to Homer during antiquity (only a fragment survives)
- Titanomachy ascribed to Eumelus of Corinth (only a fragment survives)
- Danais (written by one of the cyclic poets and from which the Danaid tetralogy of Aeschylus draws its material), Minyas and Naupactia, almost completely lost
5th to 4th century BC
- Heracleia, tells of the labors of Heracles, almost completely lost, written by Panyassis (Greek mythology)
- Mahābhārata, ascribed to Veda Vyasa (Indian religion)
- Ramayana, ascribed to Valmiki (Indian religion)
3rd century BC
- Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes (Greek mythology)
2nd century BC
1st century BC
- De rerum natura by Lucretius (natural philosophy)
- Georgics by Virgil (didactic poem)
- Aeneid by Virgil (Roman religion)
1st century AD
- Metamorphoses by Ovid (Greek and Roman mythology)
- Pharsalia by Lucan (Roman history; unfinished)
- Argonautica by Gaius Valerius Flaccus (Roman poet, Greek mythology; incomplete)
- Punica by Silius Italicus (Roman history)
- Thebaid and Achilleid by Statius (Roman poet, Greek mythology; latter poem incomplete)
2nd century
2nd to 5th century
3rd to 4th century
- Posthomerica by Quintus of Smyrna (Greek mythology)
- De raptu Proserpinae by Claudian (Roman poet, Greek mythology; incomplete)
4th century
- Kumārasambhava by Kālidāsa (Indian epic poetry)
- Raghuvaṃśa by Kālidāsa (Indian epic poetry)
- Blemyomachia (Greek, only fragments survive)
5th century
- Argonautica Orphica by Anonymous (Greek mythology)
- Dionysiaca by Nonnus (Greek mythology)
- Mahavamsa, written in Pali
- Yadegar-e Zariran, written in Middle Persian
Medieval epics (500–1500)
6th century
- Iohannis by Corippus, Latin epic on the Byzantine conquest of North Africa
7th century
- Táin Bó Cúailnge (Old Irish)
- Bhaṭṭikāvya,[2] Sanskrit courtly epic based on the Rāmāyaṇa and the Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini
- Kiratarjuniya by Bharavi, Sanskrit epic based on an episode in the Mahabharata
- Shishupala Vadha by Magha, Sanskrit epic based on another episode in the Mahabharata
8th to 10th century
- Beowulf (Old English)
- Waldere, Old English version of the story told in Waltharius (below), known only as a brief fragment
- Alpamysh, a Turkic epic
- Karolus magnus et Leo papa (Carolingian, Latin, before 814)
- Daredevils of Sassoun (Armenian)
- Bhagavata Purana (Sanskrit) "Stories of the Lord", based on earlier sources
- Lay of Hildebrand and Muspilli (Old High German, c. 870)
- Kakawin Ramayana, Javanese version of the Ramayana (c. 870)
- Shahnameh (Persian literature; details Persian legend and history from prehistoric times to the fall of the Sassanid Empire, by Ferdowsi)
- Waltharius by Ekkehard of St. Gall (Germany, Latin); about Walter of Aquitaine
- Poetic Edda (no particular authorship; oral tradition of the North Germanic peoples)
- Vikramarjuna Vijaya and Ādi purāṇa (c. 941), Kannada poems by Adikavi Pampa
- Ajitha Purana and Gadaayuddha (c.993 and c.999), Kannada poems by Ranna
- Neelakesi (Tamil Jain epic)
11th century
- Ali Nameh by Rabi', it's an Epic Poem about Caliphate of Imam Ali and it's the First Shia Epic Poem Ever seen, it has been composed of in 12,000 verses (c. 1080).

The Knight in the Panther's Skin by Shota Rustaveli, one of the greatest Georgian poets.
- Taghribat Bani Hilal (Arabic); see also Arabic epic literature
- Andhra Mahabharatam (Telugu) by Nannayya
- Ruodlieb (Latin), by a German author
- Digenis Akritas (Greek); about a hero of the Byzantine Empire
- Epic of King Gesar (Tibetan)
- Garshaspname (Persian) by Asadi Tusi (1066)
- Carmen Campidoctoris, the first poem about El Cid (c. 1083)
- Song of Armouris (Byzantine, acritic song)
- Borzu Nama, ascribed to 'Amid Abu'l 'Ala' 'Ata b. Yaqub Kateb Razi (Persian epic with a main character and a poetic style related to the "Shahnameh")
- Faramarz Nama (Persian epic with a main character and a poetic style related to the "Shahnameh")
- Mushika-vamsha (Sanskrit) by Atula
- The Song of Roland (Old French)
12th century
- Khamba Thoibi (Manipuri Epic by Hijam Anganghal)
- Acallam na Senórach (Middle Irish)
- The Knight in the Panther's Skin (Georgian) by Shota Rustaveli
- Alexandreis by Walter of Châtillon (Latin)
- De bello Troiano and the lost Antiocheis (Latin) by Joseph of Exeter
- Carmen de Prodicione Guenonis, version of the story of the Song of Roland in Latin
- Architrenius by John of Hauville, (Latin satire)
- Liber ad honorem Augusti by Peter of Eboli, narrative of the conquest of Sicily by Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor (Latin)
- The Tale of Igor's Campaign and Bylinas (Old east slavic) (11th–19th centuries)
- Gita Govinda (Sanskrit) by Jayadeva
- Naishadha Charita (Sanskrit) by Sriharsha
- Parishishtaparvan (Sanskrit) by Hemachandra
- Prithviraja Vijaya (Sanskrit) by Jayanaka (1191–1192)
- Roman de Troie by Benoît de Sainte-Maure (Old French)
- Roman de Brut and Roman de Rou by Wace (Old French)
- Poem of Almería (Latin)
- Eupolemius (Latin) by an anonymous German-speaking author
- Bahman Nama and Kush Nama (Persian) ascribed to Hakim Īrānšāh b. Abi'l Khayr
- Banu Goshasp Nama (Persian)
- Ramavataram (Tamil) by Kambar, based on the "Ramayana"
- Cycle of the First Crusade (Old French) by Graindor de Douai and others
13th century
- Nibelungenlied (Middle High German)
- Kudrun (Middle High German)
- Daniel von dem blühenden Tal (Middle High German)
- Brut by Layamon (Early Middle English)
- Chanson de la Croisade Albigeoise ("Song of the Albigensian Crusade"; Old Occitan)
- Antar (Arabic); see also Arabic epic literature
- Sirat al-Zahir Baibars (Arabic); see also Arabic epic literature
- Osman's Dream (Ottoman Turkish)
- Epic of Sundiata (Malinke People)
- El Cantar de Mio Cid, Spanish epic of the Reconquista (Old Spanish)
- De triumphis ecclesiae by Johannes de Garlandia (Latin)
- Gesta Regum Britanniae by William of Rennes (Latin)
- Van den vos Reynaerde (Middle Dutch)
- Poema de Fernán González, cantar de gesta by a monk of San Pedro de Arlanza; 1250–1266 (Old Spanish)
- Jewang ungi by Yi Seung-hyu ("Rhymed Chronicles of Sovereigns"; 1287 Korea)
- Basava purana by Palkuriki Somanatha (Telugu)
- Jahangirnameh by Qāsem-e Mādeḥ (largely an imitation of the Borzu Nama)
14th century
- Divine Comedy (Christian mythology) by Dante Alighieri
- Cursor Mundi (Middle English) by an anonymous cleric (c. 1300)
- Africa by Petrarch (Latin)
- The Tale of the Heike, Japanese epic war tale
- The Brus by John Barbour (Scots)
- La Spagna (Italian) attributed to Sostegno di Zanobi (c. 1350–1360)
- Mocedades de Rodrigo (Old Spanish) (c. 1360)
- Siege of Jerusalem (c. 1370–1380, Middle English)
- Troilus and Criseyde (Middle English) by Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1380)
- Mabinogi (Middle Welsh)
- Zafarnamah (Persian) by Hamdollah Mostowfi
15th century
- Khavaran Nameh by Ibn Husam Khosfei, it means: Book of the East, it's based on a mythological story about Imam Ali's Conquests of the East and the West of the known World, it has been composed of 22,500 verses.
- Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
- Hammira Mahakavya by Nayachandra Suri (Sanskrit)
- Yuan Phai (Thai: ลิลิตยวนพ่าย) by Royal Poets of King Borommatrai-lokkanat (c. 1475)
- Mahachat Kham luang (Thai: มหาชาติคำหลวง) a Siamese retelling of Vessantara Jataka by Royal Poets of King Borommatrai-lokkanat (1492)
- Orlando innamorato (Italian) by Matteo Maria Boiardo (1495)
- Shmuel-Bukh (Old Yiddish chivalry romance based on the Biblical book of Samuel)
- Mlokhim-Bukh (Old Yiddish epic poem based on the Biblical Books of Kings)
- Book of Dede Korkut (Oghuz Turks)
- Morgante (Italian) by Luigi Pulci (1485), with elements typical of the mock-heroic genre
- The Wallace by Blind Harry (Scots chivalric poem)
- Troy Book by John Lydgate, about the Trojan war (Middle English)
- Heldenbuch (Middle High German) a group of manuscripts and prints of the 15th and 16th centuries, typically including material from the Theodoric cycle and the cycle of Hugdietrich, Wolfdietrich and Ortnit
- Ibong Adarna (Filipino) whose real author is not known
Modern epics (from 1500)
16th century
- Lilit Phra Lo (Thai: ลิลิตพระลอ) by King Ramathibodi II (c. 1491–1529)
- Judita (Croatian) by Marko Marulić (1501)
- Ismailnameh an epic poem on shah Ismail I heroic deeds by Qsimi Qunabadi nephew of Hatifi (1513)
- Orlando Furioso (Italian) by Ludovico Ariosto (1516)
- Theuerdank and Weisskunig (Weisskunig only got published in 1775[3]) by Maximilian I and Marx Treitzsaurwein, often considered the last medieval epics.[4][5]
- Davidiad (Latin) by Marko Marulić (1517)
- Christiad (Latin) by Marco Girolamo Vida (1535)
- Padmavat (Hindustani) by Malik Muhammad Jayasi (1540)
- Süleymanname by Arifi çelebi
- Sang Sinxay, the most famous epic poem of Laos, was written around mid sixteenth century.[6]
- Franciade (French) by Pierre de Ronsard (1540s–1572)
- Os Lusíadas by Luís de Camões (c. 1572)[7]
- L'Amadigi by Bernardo Tasso (1560)
- La Araucana by Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga (1569–1589)
- La Gerusalemme liberata by Torquato Tasso (1575)
- Ramacharitamanasa (based on the Ramayana) by Goswami Tulsidas (1577)
- The Faerie Queene (Early Modern English) by Edmund Spenser (1596)
- Venus and Adonis (1593) and Lucrece (1594) (Early Modern English) by Shakespeare
- The Dam San of the Ede people (now in Vietnam) is often considered to appear in the 16th or 17th century.[8][9]
17th century
- La Argentina by Martín del Barco Centenera (1602)
- La Cleopatra by Girolamo Graziani (1632)
- Biag ni Lam-ang by Pedro Bucaneg (1640)
- Il Conquisto di Granata by Girolamo Graziani (1650)
- Exact Epitome of the Four Monarchies by Anne Bradstreet (1650)[10]
- Szigeti veszedelem, also known under the Latin title Obsidionis Szigetianae, a Hungarian epic by Miklós Zrínyi (1651)
- Gondibert by William Davenant (1651)
- Paradise Lost (1667) (English) and Paradise Regained (1671) by John Milton
- Khun Chang Khun Phaen (Thai: ขุนช้างขุนแผน), a Thai epic poem by anonymous folk poets (c. 1650–1700)[11]
18th century
- Kumulipo by Keaulumoku (1700), an Ancient Hawaiian cosmogonic genealogy first published in 1889
- Telemachus by Anna Seward (epic re-telling of François Fénelon's Les Aventures de Télémaque)
- Henriade by Voltaire (1723)
- Utendi wa Tambuka by Bwana Mwengo (1728)
- Der Messias by Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1748–1773)
- La Pucelle d'Orléans by Voltaire (1756)
- Poems of Ossian by James Macpherson (1760–1765)
- The Seasons by Kristijonas Donelaitis (1765–1775)
- O Uraguai by Basílio da Gama (1769)
- Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire by Eibhlín Dubh Ní Chonaill (1773)
- O Desertor das Letras by Silva Alvarenga (1774), a short mock-heroic epic
- Caramuru by Santa Rita Durão (1781)
- Joan of Arc by Robert Southey (1796)
- Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1797)
19th century
- The Tale of Kiều by Nguyễn Du (c. 1800)
- Thalaba the Destroyer by Robert Southey (1801)
- Madoc by Robert Southey (1805)
- Psyche by Mary Tighe (1805)
- The Columbiad by Joel Barlow (1807)
- Milton: A Poem by William Blake (1804–1810)
- Marmion by Walter Scott (1808)
- Alipashiad by Haxhi Shehreti (before 1817)
- Childe Harold's Pilgrimage by Lord Byron, narrating the travels of Childe Harold (1812–1818)[12]
- Queen Mab by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1813)
- Roderick the Last of the Goths by Robert Southey (1814)
- The Lord of the Isles by Walter Scott (1813)
- Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1815)
- The Revolt of Islam (Laon and Cyntha) by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1817)
- Harold the Dauntless by Walter Scott (1817)
- Manuscripts of Dvůr Králové and Zelená Hora, forged epic published in 1818
- Endymion (1818) by John Keats
- Hyperion (1818) and The Fall of Hyperion (1819) by John Keats
- The Battle of Marathon by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1820)
- Phra Aphai Mani by Sunthorn Phu (1821 or 1822–1844)
- Don Juan by Lord Byron (1824), an example of a "mock" epic in that it parodies the epic style of the author's predecessors[12]
- Camões by Almeida Garrett (1825), narrating the last years and deeds of Luís de Camões
- Dona Branca by Almeida Garrett (1826), the fantastic tale of the forbidden love between Portuguese princess Branca and Moorish king Aben-Afan
- Tamerlane by Edgar Allan Poe (1827)
- The Gypsies (poem) by Alexander Pushkin (1827)
- The Free Besieged by Dionysios Solomos (1828–1851)
- The Fall of Nineveh by Edwin Atherstone (1828–1868)
- Creation, Man and the Messiah by Henrik Wergeland (1829)
- The Bronze Horseman by Alexander Pushkin (1833)
- Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, translated by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1833)
- Messiah's Kingdom by Agnes Bulmer (1833)
- Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz (1834)
- The Baptism on the Savica (Krst pri Savici) by France Prešeren (1836)
- Florante at Laura, an awit by Francisco Balagtas (1838)
- King Alfred by John Fitchett (completed by Robert Roscoe and published in 1841–1842)
- Horatius by Thomas Babington Macaulay (1842)
- Germany. A Winter's Tale by Heinrich Heine (1843), a "mock" epic
- János Vitéz by Sándor Petőfi (1845)
- Smrt Smail-age Čengića by Ivan Mažuranić (1846)
- Toldi (1846), Toldi szerelme ("Toldi's Love", 1879) and Toldi estéje ("Toldi's Night", 1848) by János Arany, forming the so-called "Toldi trilogy"
- Evangeline by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1847)
- The Mountain Wreath by Petar II Petrović-Njegoš (1847)
- The Tales of Ensign Stål by Johan Ludvig Runeberg (first part published in 1848, second part published in 1860)
- Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot (1849 Finnish mythology)
- I-Juca-Pirama (1851) by Gonçalves Dias
- Kalevipoeg by Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (1853; Estonian mythology)
- The Prelude by William Wordsworth
- Song of Myself by Walt Whitman (1855)
- The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1855)
- A Confederação dos Tamoios by Gonçalves de Magalhães (1856)
- The Saga of King Olaf by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1856–1863)
- Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1857)
- Os Timbiras by Gonçalves Dias (1857)
- Meghnad Badh Kavya by Michael Madhusudan Dutta (1861)
- Terje Vigen by Henrik Ibsen (1862)
- La Légende des siècles (The Legend of the Centuries) by Victor Hugo (1859–1877)
- The Earthly Paradise by William Morris (1868–1870)
- Ibonia, oral epic of Madagascar (first transcription: 1870)
- Martín Fierro by José Hernández (1872)
- Idylls of the King by Alfred Tennyson (c. 1874)
- Clarel by Herman Melville (1876)
- The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs by William Morris (1876)
- L'Atlàntida by Jacint Verdaguer (1877)
- The Light of Asia by Edwin Arnold (1879)
- The City of Dreadful Night by Bysshe Vanolis (finished in 1874, published in 1880)
- Tristram of Lyonesse by Algernon Charles Swinburne (1882)
- The Rape of Florida by Albery Allson Whitman (1884 later republished as Twasinta's Seminoles)
- Eros and Psyche by Robert Bridges (1885)
- La Fin de Satan by Victor Hugo (written between 1855 and 1860, published in 1886)
- Canigó by Jacint Verdaguer (1886)
- Lāčplēsis ('The Bear-Slayer') by Andrejs Pumpurs (1888; Latvian Mythology)
- Tabaré by Juan Zorrilla de San Martín (1888; national epic of Uruguay)
- The Wanderings of Oisin by William Butler Yeats (1889)
- Kotan Utunnai, Ainu epic, recorded in the 1880s, published in 1890
- Host and Guest by Vazha-Pshavela (1893)
- The 9th of July 1821 by Vasilis Michaelides (1893–1895; national epic of Cyprus written in Cypriot Greek)
- The Tale of Balen by Algernon Charles Swinburne (1896)
- Lục Vân Tiên by Nguyễn Đình Chiểu
- Amir Arsalan, narrated by Mohammad Ali Naqib al-Mamalek to the Qajar Shah of Persia
20th century
- The Divine Enchantment by John Neihardt (1900)
- An Idyl of the South: An Epic Poem in Two Parts by Albery Allson Whitman (1901)
- Lahuta e Malcís by Gjergj Fishta (composed 1902–1937)
- Ural-batyr (Bashkirs oral tradition set in the written form by Mukhamedsha Burangulov in 1910)
- The Ballad of the White Horse by G. K. Chesterton (1911)
- Mensagem by Fernando Pessoa (composed 1913–1934)
- The Cantos by Ezra Pound (composed 1915–1969)
- Dorvyzhy, Udmurt national epic compiled in Russian by Mikhail Khudiakov (1920) basing on folklore works
- The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún by J. R. R. Tolkien (composed 1920–1939, published 2009)
- A Cycle of the West by John Neihardt (composed 1921–1949)
- The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel by Nikos Kazantzakis (Greek verse, composed 1924–1938)
- Dymer by C. S. Lewis (1926)
- "A" by Louis Zukofsky (composed 1927–1978)
- John Brown's Body by Stephen Vincent Benét (1928)
- The Fall of Arthur by J. R. R. Tolkien (composed c. 1930–1934, published 2013)
- The Bridge by Hart Crane (1930)
- Ariadne by F. L. Lucas (1932)
- Kamayani by Jaishankar Prasad (1936)
- The People, Yes by Carl Sandburg (1936)
- In Parenthesis by David Jones (1937)
- Canto General by Pablo Neruda (1938–1950)
- Khamba Thoibi Sheireng (based on Khamba and Thoibi) by Hijam Anganghal (1940)
- Paterson by William Carlos Williams (composed c. 1940–1961)
- Sugata Saurabha by Chittadhar Hridaya (1941–1945)
- Victory for the Slain by Hugh John Lofting (1942)
- The Great South Land: An Epic Poem (1951) by Rex Ingamells
- Rashmirathi (1952), Hunkar by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
- Savitri by Aurobindo Ghose (1950)
- The Maximus Poems by Charles Olson (composed 1950–1970)
- The Anathemata by David Jones (1952)
- Aniara by Harry Martinson (composed 1956)
- Helen in Egypt by H.D. (1961)
- Song of Lawino by Okot p'Bitek (1966)
- Puerto Rican Obituary by Pedro Pietri (1971)
- Prussian Nights by Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1974)[13]
- The Banner of Joan by H. Warner Munn (1975)
- Kristubhagavatam by P. C. Devassia (1976)
- Keralodayam Mahakavyam by K. N. Ezhuthachan (1977)
- The Changing Light at Sandover by James Merrill (composed 1976–1982)
- The Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You by Frank Stanford (published 1977)
- Emperor Shaka the Great by Mazisi Kunene (1979)
- The Lay of the Children of Húrin and The Lay of Leithian by J. R. R. Tolkien (published 1985)
- The New World by Frederick Turner (1985)
- Empire of Dreams by Giannina Braschi (1988)[14]
- Omeros by Derek Walcott (1990)
- Genesis by Frederick Turner (1990)
- Arundhati by Jagadguru Rambhadracharya (1994)
- Mastorava by A. M. Sharonov (1994)
- Astronautilía Hvězdoplavba by Jan Křesadlo (1995)
- The Descent of Alette by Alice Notley (1996)
- The Alamo: An Epic by Michael Lind (1997)
- Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson (1998)[15]
- Fredy Neptune: A Novel in Verse by Les Murray (1998)
21st century
- Sribhargavaraghaviyam (2002), Ashtavakra (2009) and Gitaramayanam (2009–2010, published in 2011) by Jagadguru Rambhadracharya
- Solaris korrigert by Øyvind Rimbereid (2004)
- Lime Stone: An Epic Poem of Barbados (2008) by Anthony Kellman[16]
- Zorgamazoo by Robert Paul Weston (2008)
- The Iovis Trilogy by Anne Waldman (2011)[17]
- Our Lady of the Ruins by Traci Brimhall (2012)[18]
- Brand New Ancients by Kae Tempest (2013)[19]
- Apocalypse by Frederick Turner (2016)
Other epics
- Canaäd, an epic poem reconstructing Canaanite mythology, set during the Late Bronze Age.
- Epic of Bamana Segu, oral epic of the Bambara people, composed in the 19th century and recorded in the 20th century
- Epic of Darkness, tales and legends of primeval China
- Epic of Jangar, poem of the Oirat people
- Epic of Köroğlu, Turkic oral tradition written down mostly in 18th century
- Epic of Manas (18th century)
- Epic of the Forgotten, Bulgarian poetic saga
- Gesta Berengarii imperatoris
- Heavensfield, alliterative epic on the life of medieval king Oswald of Northumbria.
- Hikayat Seri Rama, Malay version of the Ramayana
- Hinilawod, Filipino epic from the island of Panay
- Hotsuma Tsutae
- Khun Chang Khun Phaen, a Thai poem
- Klei Khan Y Dam San, a Vietnamese poem
- Koti and Chennayya and Epic of Siri, Tulu poems
- Kutune Shirka, sacred yukar epic of the Ainu people of which several translations exist
- Lay of Mouse-fate (Musurdvitha), a fantasy epic inspired by animal fable and Arthurian legend.
- Mu'allaqat, Arabic poems written by seven poets in Classical Arabic, these poems are very similar to epic poems and specially the poem of Antarah ibn Shaddad
- Parsifal by Richard Wagner (opera, composed 1880–1882)
- Pasyón, Filipino religious epic, of which the 1703 and 1814 versions are popular
- Popol Vuh, history of the K'iche' people
- Ramakien, Thailand's national epic derived from the Ramayana
- Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner (opera, composed 1848–1874)
- Siribhoovalaya, a unique work of multi-lingual literature written by Kumudendu Muni, a Jain monk
- Yadegar-e Zariran (Middle Persian)
- Yama Zatdaw, Burmese version of the Ramayana
- Al Silsilah al Dahabiyah: Malhamat Ahlil Bayt by Fartosi, It's a Poetic Encyclopedia about 12 Imam's sacred Hadith and summary of their biographies in 50,000 verses.
- Al Alawiyah al Mubarkah by Abdul Masih al Antaki, Poetic work based on Imam Ali's biography in 6000 verses.
- Eid al Ghadir by Pulus Salamah, Poetic work based on Bani Hashim History in Early Islam in 3000 verses.
- Salasil al Dahab by Muhammad ben Shames al Battashi al Omani, Poetic Encyclopedia about Ibadi Fiqh contains History of early Islam and of Oman in 120,000 verses, considred as the longest Arabic Poem ever seen.
- Arajiz It's a Poetic works of Arabic language about many forms of education History, Feqh, Hadith, Medicine and grammar like Sirat al Mu'tadid of Ibn Mu'taz, Tarikh of Ibn Jahm and Alfiyat ibn Malik, however, the erliest form of it was Kitab Kalila wa dimna of Aban Lahiqi.
- ↑ According to that article, world folk epics are those that are not just literary masterpieces, but also an integral part of the world view of a people, originally oral, later written down by one or several authors.
- ↑ Fallon, Oliver. Bhatti's Poem: The Death of Rávana (Bhaṭṭikāvya). New York 2009: Clay Sanskrit Library, Archived 2019-07-07 at the Wayback Machine. ISBN 978-0-8147-2778-2.
- ↑ Terjanian, Pierre; Bayer, Andrea; Brandow, Adam B.; Demets, Lisa; Kirchhoff, Chassica; Krause, Stefan; Messling, Guido; Morrison, Elizabeth; Nogueira, Alison Manges; Pfaffenbichler, Matthias; Sandbichler, Veronika; Scheffer, Delia; Scholz, Peter; Sila, Roland; Silver, Larry; Spira, Freyda; Wlattnig, Robert; Wolf, Barbara; Zenz, Christina (2 October 2019). The Last Knight: The Art, Armor, and Ambition of Maximilian I. Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN 978-1-58839-674-7. Archived from the original on 18 February 2022. Retrieved 18 February 2022.
- ↑ Sofroniou, Andreas. PHILOLOGY, CONCEPTS OF EUROPEAN LITERATURE. Lulu.com. p. 86. ISBN 978-1-291-49148-7. Archived from the original on 18 February 2022. Retrieved 18 February 2022.
- ↑ Michaud, Claude (1996). "Hispania- Austria. Die Katholischen Könige, Maximilian I. und die Anfänge der Casa de Austria in Spanien/Los Reyes Catolicos, Maximiliano I. y los inicios de la Casa de Austria en España". Revue d'Histoire Moderne & Contemporaine. 43 (2): 371–373. Archived from the original on 16 February 2022. Retrieved 18 February 2022.
- ↑ Roberts, Thomas Duval (1967). Area Handbook for Laos. U.S. Government Printing Office. p. 125. Archived from the original on 18 February 2022. Retrieved 18 February 2022.
- ↑ "The Lusiads". World Digital Library. 1800–1882. Archived from the original on 2015-12-17. Retrieved 2013-08-31.
- ↑ Phan, Đăng Nhật (2001). Nghiên cứu sử thi Việt Nam (in Vietnamese). Khoa học xã hội. p. 292. Archived from the original on 18 February 2022. Retrieved 18 February 2022.
- ↑ học (Vietnam), Viện văn (1988). Đam Săn: sử thi Ê-đê (in Vietnamese). Khoa học xã hội. p. 9. Archived from the original on 18 February 2022. Retrieved 18 February 2022.
- ↑ Pender, Patricia (2012). Early Modern Women's Writing and the Rhetoric of Modesty. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 166. ISBN 9781137008015.
- ↑ Baker, Chris; Phongpaichit, Pasuk (2009). "The Career of Khun Chang Khun Phaen" (PDF). Journal of the Siam Society. 97: 1–42. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-10-12. Retrieved 2017-10-11.
- 1 2 Stephen Greenblatt et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, volume D, 9th edition (Norton, 2012)
- ↑ Pearce, Joseph (2011). Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Ignatius Press. p. Ch. 9. ISBN 9781681494432. Archived from the original on 4 June 2023. Retrieved 24 July 2022.
- ↑ Aldama, Frederick Luis (2020). Poets, Philosophers, Lovers : On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. Savans, Ilan; O'Dwyer, Tess. Pittsburgh, Pa.: U Pittsburgh. ISBN 978-0-8229-4618-2. OCLC 1143649021. Archived from the original on 2021-10-09. Retrieved 2020-09-08.
- ↑ "Autobiography of Red". www.read poetry.com. Retrieved December 26, 2023.
- ↑ Kellman, Tony (2008). Limestone : an epic poem of Barbados. Leeds: Peepal Tree Press. ISBN 978-1-84523-003-6. OCLC 149151329.
- ↑ "Iovis Trilogy". www.read poetry.com. Retrieved December 26, 2023.
- ↑ "Our Lady of the Ruins". www.read poetry.com. Retrieved December 26, 2023.
- ↑ "Brand New Ancients". www.read poetry.com. Retrieved December 26, 2023.
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