Akram Nadwi | |
![]() | |
Personal | |
Born | 1963 (age 60–61) |
Religion | Islam |
Nationality | British |
Jurisprudence | Hanafi, Ijtihad |
Creed | Athari |
Movement | Deobandi[1] |
Notable work(s) | Al-Muhaddithat |
Alma mater | Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama University of Lucknow |
Occupation | Author, Professor, Islamic scholar, Former Research Fellow at the University of Oxford |
Muslim leader | |
Teacher | Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi[2] |
Influenced by |

Mohammad Akram Nadwi (born c. 1963)[3] is a British Islamic scholar and the Dean of Cambridge Islamic College, principal of Al-Salam Institute,[4] and an Honorary Visiting Fellow at the Markfield Institute of Higher Education.[5][6][7] He is the author of the 43 volume biographical dictionary called Al-Wafa bi Asma al-Nisa (Biographical Dictionary of Women Narrators of Hadith), which chronicles the lives of 10,000 female hadith scholars and narrators.[8][9]
Nadwi was educated at the Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama in Lucknow, India.[10]
He has written over 60 books in Arabic, English and Urdu in the fields of hadith, fiqh, biography, Arabic grammar and syntax. In 2021, his 43-volume biographical dictionary of the muhaddithat, the female scholars and narrators of hadith was published by Dar al-Minhaj (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia).
Nadwi is the subject of the 2015 book If The Oceans Were Ink by journalist Carla Power. Power spent a year studying Islam and the Qur'an with Nadwi. [11]
- Madrasah Life: A Student’s Day at Nadwat al-‘Ulamā’ (Turath Publishing London, 2007)
- Al-Fiqh Al-Islāmī According to the Hanafi Madhab Rites of Purification, Prayers and Funerals Vol 1 (Angelwing Media London, 2007, 2012)
- Al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars in Islam (Interface Publications Oxford 2007, 2013) ISBN 9780955454547
- The Garden of The Ḥadīth Scholars: Bustān al-Muḥaddithin - Translated and edited by Mohammad Akram Nadwi from Persian to Arabic (Turath Publishing London 2007, 2018)
- Abū Ḥanīfah His Life, Legal Method & Legacy (Kube Publishing Ltd Leicester, Interface Publications Ltd Oxford, 2010)
- Al-Fiqh Al-Islāmī According to the Hanafi Madhab Rites of Zakah, Fasting and Hajj Vol 2 (Angelwing Media London, 2012)
- Shaykh ‘Abū al-Ḥasan ‘Alī Nadwī: His Life & Works (Nadwi Foundation West Yorkshire, 2013)
- Ibn Ḥazm on the Lawfulness of Women Attending Prayers in the Mosque (Interface Publications Ltd Oxford, Cambridge Islamic College Cambridge 2015, 2018)
- Al-Muḥaddithāt women scholars of hadith (Ibn Haldun University Press Istanbul, 2019)
- Journey to Andalus - Translated and edited by Dr. Abu Zayd. (Angelwing Media London, 2019)
- Lessons Learned: Treasures from Nadwah's Sages (Quran Literacy Press Somerset, 2019)
- Remembering Beautiful Days In Jerusalem (Al Buruj Press London, 2020)
- Foundation To Ḥadīth Science: A Primer on Understanding & Studying Hadith - Translated and edited by Dr. Abu Zayd. (Quran Literacy Press New Jersey 2021, Al-Salam Institute Press 2021)
- ‘Iraq aur Sa‘ūdī ‘Arab (Muslim Intellectual Forum Lucknow, 1990)
- ‘Iraq aur Īrān (Muslim Intellectual Forum Lucknow, 1990)
- ‘Iraq ki jāriḣiyyat aur tawsī‘ pasandi (Muslim Intellectual Forum Lucknow, 1990)
- Armughāne farang peghām briṭāniya ke musalmāno ke nām (Allamah Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Academy London, 2004)
- Armughāne ḥajj ḥadīth ke ek tālibe ‘ilm ka safarnāmah (Anjuman khuddam al-Islam Lahore, 2004)
- Nadwe ka ek din (Majlis Nashriyyat Islam Karachi, 2006, Dar al-Rashid Lucknow, 2007, reprint 2012)
- Safarnāmah Hind (Dar al-Rashid Lucknow, 2018)
- Maghribī UP ka ek yādgār safar (Dar al-Buhuth wa al-Nashr Saharanpur, 2018)
- Armughāne ḥajj ḥadith ke ek tālibe ilm ka safarnāmah (Maktaba Ahsan Lucknow, 2018)
- Fikr Yunus (Dar al-Buhuth wa al-Nashr Saharanpur, 2019)
- Ek haftah Hindustān mein (Maktabah Ihsan Lucknow, 2019)
- Maqāme ṣaḥāba ishkālāt wa jawābāt (Dar al-Rashid Lucknow, 2021)
- Dhikr nadwah (Mahad Imam Hasan ul Banna Bhatkal, 2022)
- Muḥaddithāt ‘ilm ḥādīth ke irtiqā' me khawātīn ki khidmat (Hidayat publishers and distributors New Delhi, 2022)
- Umm al-mu'minīn ḥaḍrat ‘aishah ṣiddīqa raḍiya allah ‘anha ki ‘umr biwaqt rukhṣati (Majlis tahqiqat wa nashriyat islam Lucknow, 2022)
- Al-tarbiyatu wa al-mujtama‘ - Translated and edited by Mohammad Akram Nadwi. (Al-dar al-shamiyyah Beirut, Dar al-Qalam Damascus 1991)
- Shaykh al-islām ibn taymiyyah wa ta’thīrhi fī āsiya al-janūbiyah - Translated and edited by Mohammad Akram Nadwi. (Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Oxford, 1992)
- Nafaḥāt al-hind wa al-yaman bi’asānīd al-shaykh abī al-ḥasan (Maktabat al-imam al-shafi‘i Riyadh,1998)
- Uṣūl al-shāshī mukhtaṣar fī uṣūl al-fiqh al-islāmi - Edited and annotated by Mohammad Akram Nadwi. (Nadwat al-‘ulama Lucknow, 1998, Dar al-gharb al-islami Beirut, 2000)
- Al-sayyid sulaymān al-nadwī amīru ‘ulamā al-hind fī ‘asrihi wa shaykh al-nadwiyyīn (Dar al-Qalam Damascus, 2001)
- Shiblī al-nu‘mānī ‘allāmat al-hind al-adīb wa al-mu’arrikh al-nāqid al-arīb (Dar al-Qalam Damascus, 2001)
- Kifāyat al-rāwī ‘an al-‘allāmat al-shaykh Yusuf al-Qardāwī (Dar al-Qalam Damascus, 2001)
- Bughyat al-matābi‘ li asānīd al-‘allāmat al-sharīf muḥammad al-rabi‘ (Dar al-Qalam Damascus, 2001)
- Bustān al-muḥaddithīn - Translated and edited by Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Dar al-gharb al-islami Beirut, 2002, Dar al-kutub Peshawar nd)
- Al-’iqd al-lujayni fi asānīd al-shaykh Salmān al-Ḥusaynī (Dar al-gharb al-Islami, 2004. Dar al-sunnah al-Hind, nd)
- Mabadi’ al-naḥw (Dar al-tarbiyah, 2006. Maktabat Ihsan Lucknow, nd. Al-Salam Institute Press London, 2019)
- Mabadi’ al-taṣrīf (Dar al-tarbiyah, 2006. Maktabat Ihsan Lucknow, 2019. Al-Salam Institute Press London, 2019)
- Abu al-ḥasan al-nadwī al-‘ālim al-murabbi wa al-dā‘iyat al-ḥakīm (Dar al-Qalam Damascus, 2006)
- Ayyāmun fī bilād al-shām (Dar al-tarbiyah Damascus, 2007)
- Mabadi’ fī ‘Ilm uṣūl al-fiqh (Dar al-tarbiyah, 2007. Al-maktabat al-nadwiyyah Lucknow, 2018. Al-Salam Institute Press London, 2019)
- Mabadi’ fī uṣūl al-ḥadīth wa al-isnād (Dar al-tarbiyah, 2007. Al-Salam Institute Press London, 2019. Maktabat Ihsan Lucknow, nd)
- Mabadi’ fī ‘Ilm uṣūl al-tafsīr (Dar al-tarbiyah, 2007. Al-Salam Institute Press London, 2019)
- Riḥlat shiblī al-nu‘mānī ila al-qusṭanṭīniyyah wa bayrūt wa al-quds wa al-qāhirah - Translated and edited by Mohammad Akram Nadwi. (Dar al-Qalam Damascus, 2011)
- Ayyāmun zāhiratun fī miṣr wa al-qāhirah (Dar al-Qalam Damascus 2011)
- Al-shaykh al-muḥaddithu ‘abd al-haqq al-dahlawiyyu ḥayātuhu wa āthāruh - Translated by Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Dar al-Qalam Damascus, 2013)
- Al-farāid fī ‘awālī al-asānīdi wa ghawālī al-fawāid (Thabatu al-shaykh yūnus jaunfūrī) (Dar al-bashair al-islamiyyah Beirut, 2015)
- Tārīkhu ard al-qur’ān - Translated and edited by Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Dar al-Qalam Damascus, 2016)
- Al-Dhikr al-jamīl li’ayyāmin fī al-quds wa al-khalīl (Dar al-bashair al-islamiyyah Beirut, Markaz al-warraq Kuwait 2018)
- Man ‘allamanī? (Dar al-Rashid Lucknow, 2018)
- Riḥlat al-andalus (Dar al muqtabas Damascus, 2018)
- Juz’un fīh al-aḥādīth al-‘awālī al-thumāniyyāt wa al-tusā‘iyyāt (Dar al-bashair al-islamiyyah Beirut, 2018)
- Riḥlatu Amrīkā (Wizarat al-awqafi wa al-shu’un al-Islamiyyah, 2019)
- Man ‘allamanī (Maktabat al-manhal al-safi, 2019)
- Mabadi’ al-manṭiq (Al-Salam Institute Press London, 2019)
- Mabadi’ al-balāghah (Al-Salam Institute Press London, 2019)
- Al-‘allāmat al-sharīf muḥammad wāḑiḥ rashīd al-ḥasanī al-nadwī ḥayātuhu wa fikruhu wa a‘maluhu (Maktabat salma al-thaqafiyyah Tetouan, 2019)
- Al-imām ibn taymiyyah al-ḥarrānī mujaddidan liqarnih - Translated and edited by Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Dar al-bashair al-islamiyyah Beirut, 2019)
- Al-iḥkām lilmujma‘ ‘alayhi min aḥādīth al-iḥkām (Dar al-samman Istanbul, 2019)
- Al-kanz al-farīd fi tarjamat al-‘allāmat muḥammad mutī‘al-ḥāfiẓ wa a‘malihi wa mā lahu min al-ittiṣālāti wa al-asānīd (Dar al-bashair al-islamiyyah Beirut, 2019)
- Al-Tahrīr al-sadīd limā li al-shaykh muḥammad ma‘sūd al-‘azīzī al-nadwī min ittiṣālāt wa asānīd (Markaz ihya al-fikr al-islami Saharanpur, 2020)
- Al-durr al-farīd fī ikhtiṣār ‘awālī al-asānīd (Markaz ihya al-fikr al-islami Saharanpur, 2020)
- Qurrat al-‘ayn fī ḥajj al-bayti wa ziyārat al-ḥaramayn (Al-firdaws Alexandria, 2021)
- Tamhīd fī ‘ilm al-ḥadīth (Dar al-samman Istanbul, 2021)
- Al-wafā’u bi asmā al-nisāi mawsu‘atu tarājimi a‘lām al-nisāi fi al-hadīth al-nabawiyy al-sharīf 43 vols (Dar al-minhaj Jeddah, 2021)
- Ḥikmat al-ṣalāt majmū‘at al-ifādāt ‘an al-ṣalāt li al-imām ‘abd al-ḥamīd al-farāhī (Dar Ammar, Amman, 2021) Compiled and annotated by Mohammad Akram Nadwi
- Madkhal rāi‘ ila ṣaḥīḥ al-bukhārī wa mā fīhi min asrāri wa ṣanāi‘ (Dar Ammar, Amman, 2021. Al-Salam Institute Press London, 2021)
- Riḥlat turkiyā (Dar al-asalah Istanbul, 2021)
- Naẓarāt īmāniyya majmū‘at maqālāt tata‘allaq bi uṣūl al-dīn mustanidat ila al-fiṭrat wa al-‘aql wa al-waḥyi (Dar al-muqtabas Beirut, 2022)
- Imlāu al-khāṭir majmū‘at maqālāt mutafarriqa nushirat fī mawāqi‘ al-tawāsul al-ijtimā‘I (Dar al-muqtabas Beirut, 2022)
- Riḥlat al-‘umrah riḥlat sanat 1441h, wa riḥlat sanat 1443h (Dar al-muqtabas Beirut, 2022)
- Tārīkh nadwat al-‘ulamā' 2 vols. (Dar al-bashaer Beirut, 2022)
- Muhaddise učenjakinje u islamu - Translated by Naida Hota-Muminović and Nermina Baljević (Centar za napredne studije, 2018)
- Muhaddithat, Malayalam - Translated by Muhammad Anees (Book plus publishers Malappuram, 2021)
- Al-Muhadditsat Ulama perempuan dalam bidang hadits - Translated by Fahmy Yamani (Gema Insani Jakarta, 2022)
- ↑ Razavian, Christopher Pooya (2018), Bano, Masooda (ed.), "Deoband's Conservatism: The Dār al-Iftā', Nadwatul Ulama and Muftī Muhammad Taqi Usmani", Modern Islamic Authority and Social Change, Volume 1: Evolving Debates in Muslim Majority Countries, Edinburgh University Press, p. 259, ISBN 978-1-4744-3324-2, retrieved 23 December 2023
- ↑ Timol, Riyaz. "Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Ali Nadwi: His Life & Works." (2014): 538-540.
- ↑ Power, Carla (25 February 2007). "A Secret History". New York Times Magazine. Retrieved 8 September 2018.
- ↑ Al-Salam Institute
- ↑ "College Dean | Cambridge Islamic College". www.cambridgeislamiccollege.org. Archived from the original on 9 August 2017. Retrieved 11 August 2017.
- ↑ "Dr. Akram Nadwi | Al-Salam Institute". alsalam.ac.uk. Retrieved 1 May 2017.
- ↑ "Personnel | Markfield Institute of Higher Education". www.mihe.ac.uk. Retrieved 6 May 2017.
- ↑ Khan, Rushda Fathima (18 March 2021). "Rediscovering The Role Of Muslim Women Scholars In Islamic History: 43 Volume Work With 10,000 Biographies Published". The Cognate. Retrieved 19 March 2021.
- ↑ Desk, The Cognate News (12 January 2023). "Mohammad Akram Nadwi - Biography, Age, Facts, Books". The Cognate. Retrieved 20 November 2023.
- ↑ Power, Carla (15 September 2015). "What the Koran really says about women". ISSN 0307-1235. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
- ↑ "Author of "If the Oceans Were Ink" | Carla Power". Retrieved 22 March 2021.
External links
- Al-Salam Institute Archived 28 October 2021 at the Wayback Machine
- Cambridge Islamic College
- https://www.akramnadwi.com/