The following is a list of academics, both past and present, noted for their contributions to the field of developmental psychology.
Swiss-born American psychologist Edith Ackermann.
- Edith Ackermann (1946–2016)
- Lauren Adamson
- Mary Ainsworth (1913–1999)
- Martha W. Alibali
- Louise Bates Ames (1908–1906)
- Jeffrey Arnett
- Louise Arseneault

American psychologist James Mark Baldwin.
- Donald M. Baer (1931-2002)
- Albert Bandura (1925-2021)
- Renée Baillargeon
- James Mark Baldwin (1861–1934)
- Paul Baltes (1939-2006)
- Simon Baron-Cohen
- Rachel Barr
- Nancy Bayley (1899–1994)
- Diana Baumrind (1927–2018)
- Jay Belsky (1952-)
- Leann Birch (1946–2019)
- Sidney W. Bijou (1908–2009)
- David F. Bjorklund
- Marc H. Bornstein (1947-)
- John Bowlby (1907–1990)
- Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005)
- Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (1946-)
- Christia Spears Brown
- Jerome Bruner (1915-2016)
- Charlotte Bühler
- Erica Burman
- Stephen J. Ceci
- Edouard Claparède (1873-1940)
- Mamie Phipps Clark (1917–1983)
- Ann M. Clarke (1928–2015)
- K. Alison Clarke-Stewart (1943–2014)
- Cynthia García Coll
- Wendy Craig
- Nicki R. Crick (1958–2012)

Greek Cypriot psychologist and former Minister of Education and Culture of Cyprus, Andreas Demetriou.
- Robert L. Fantz (1925–1981)
- Shirley Feldman
- Anne Fernald
- John H. Flavell (1928-)
- Robyn Fivush
- Uta Frith (1941–)
- Hans G. Furth

Canadian psychologist Thérèse Gouin-Décarie.
- Howard Gardner (1943–)
- Eleanor J. Gibson (1910–2002)
- Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
- Florence Goodenough (1886–1959)
- Gail Goodman
- Alison Gopnik
- Thérèse Gouin-Décarie
- Clare W. Graves (1914-1986)
- Giordana Grossi
- G. Stanley Hall (1844–1924)
- Margaret Kuenne Harlow (1918–1971)
- Isoko Hatano (1905–1978)
- Jutta Heckhausen
- E. Mavis Hetherington (1926–2023)
- Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
- Lois Holzman
- Frances Degen Horowitz (1932-2021)
- Ruth Winifred Howard (1900–1997)
- Bärbel Inhelder (1913–1997)
- Susan Sutherland Isaacs (1885–1948)
- Jana Iverson
American psychologist Helen L. Koch.
- Robert Kegan
- Grazyna Kochanska
- Lawrence Kohlberg (1927–1987)
- Helen L. Koch (1895-1977)
- Michael Lamb
- Daniel Levinson (1920–1994)
- Lee C. Lee (1935–2006)
- Aleksei Leontiev (1903–1979)
- Richard M. Lerner(1946-)
- Lynn S. Liben
- Jane Loevinger (1918–2008)
- Abraham Low (1891–1954)
- Margaret Lowenfeld (1890–1973)
- Eleanor Maccoby (1917–2018)
- James Marcia
- Ann Masten
- Daphne Maurer
- Vonnie McLoyd
- Andrew N. Meltzoff (1950-)
- Katherine Nelson (1930–2018)
- John Nesselroade
- Erich Neumann
- Elissa L. Newport
- Anat Ninio
- Mary Louise Northway

Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget.
- Juan Pascual-Leone
- Anne C. Petersen (1944-)
- Jean Piaget (1896–1980)
- Debra Pepler
- James W. Prescott (1934-)
- Harriet Lange Rheingold (1908-2000)
- Gina Rippon
- Mary K. Rothbart (1940)
- Michael Rutter (1933-2021)

American psychologist Elizabeth Spelke.
- Carolyn Saarni (1945-2015)
- Jenny Saffran
- Arnold J. Sameroff
- Núria Sebastián Gallés
- Michael Siegal
- Linda Siegel
- Robert S. Siegler
- Marian Sigman
- B. F. Skinner (1904–1990)
- Sara Smilansky (1922–2006)
- Linda B. Smith
- Andrea Smorti
- Catherine E. Snow
- Aletha Solter
- Edmund Sonuga-Barke
- Elizabeth Spelke
- Margaret Beale Spencer
- Laurence Steinberg (1952-)
- Clara Stern (1877–1945)
- Deborah Stipek
- Robert Stoller (1925–1991)
- Mary K. Rothbart
- Deborah Vandell
- Jaan Valsiner
- Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934)

Canadian psychologist Janet F. Werker.
- Theodore Wachs
- John B. Watson (1878–1958)
- Sandra Waxman
- Richard A. Weinberg
- Janet F. Werker
- Emmy Werner (1929-2017
- Edward Zigler (1930–2019)
- Pyotr Zinchenko (1903–1969)
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