James Lee Guy (born 1968) is an American actor in film and television in China known in front of the camera by his stage name Gai Ji Li, (Chinese: 盖吉 利; pinyin: gài jí lì) meaning "very lucky". His name was given to him by his Chinese wife.

Guy is a native of Paragon, Indiana and married his wife Helen, a Chinese national when they were both students at IUPUI staying at International House of Indiana University. In 2007, he left a real estate job to focus on his career an actor. He has since worked with veteran Chinese actors Masser and Li Wen Bo to become a foreign lead actor in China.

Living in Beijing with his wife and two sons, Guy teaches his sons acting. In 2010 Guy had a cameo role as a priest in the movie Li Jia Da Yuan in which his eldest son, Alexander, won a lead role as Jerry Li.
- The Bodyguard 2016
- Dragon Blade 2015
- 1911 辛亥革命 2011
- The Big Layout 大格局 2011
- Qian Xue Sen 钱学森 2011
- Yima 义马 2011
- The Tibetan Body Guard 藏客 2010
- Lee Family Courtyard 李家大院 2010
- The 38th Parallel穿越三八线 1999
Television series
- The Trial of Yang Nai Wu Yu Xiao Bai Cai 杨乃武与小白菜冤案 2011
- Han Yang Zao 汉阳造 2011
- Lian Hua 莲花 2011
- Ju Hua Zui 菊花醉 2011
- Huan Ying 幻影 2011
- Qiang Pao Hou 2011
- Knife Wars 尖刀战士 2010
- Brother's Hero 兄弟英雄 2010
- Shui Shang You Ji Dui 水上游击队 2010
- Zhi Qing 知青 2010
- Peking War and Peace 北平战与和 2009
- The Song of the Ocean Tide 大潮如歌 2009
- Youth Not Wasted 青春不言败 2009
- The Eminent Clan 望族 2008
- Spy Wars 密战 2008
- Liberation 解放 2008
- Yu Xue Jian Chi浴血坚持 2007
- The Korean War 朝鲜战争 2001